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Review Your SQE 1 Practice Records

Examination Timing: 00H00M39S

Patrick O'Connor, Andrew MacDonald, and David Evans are members of the Northern Ireland Assembly, the Scottish Parliament, and the Welsh Assembly, respectively. They seek clarification regarding their respective legislative powers. 

Which of the following statements accurately describes their voting powers?

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Since May 2011, the National Assembly for Wales has had the power to pass Measures in specified areas without reference to Parliament at Westminster, effectively granting it primary legislative competence. This brings it in line with the Scottish Parliament and the Northern Ireland Assembly, which already had legislative competence. This means all three devolved bodies can pass primary legislation within their respective devolved competences, allowing them to amend existing Acts and make new provisions in areas such as education, health, and local government. 

Key Point: Devolution in the UK allows for the delegation of legislative powers to the Scottish Parliament, the Northern Ireland Assembly, and the Welsh Assembly, enabling them to pass primary legislation within their devolved competences. This ensures that regional governance can be tailored to the specific needs and preferences of the populations they serve.

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