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CELE SQE1 模拟练习

Examination Timing: 00H00M25S

According to Young v Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd, the Court of Appeal is generally bound by its own previous decisions subject to three exceptions. Which one of the following is not an exception to the rule?

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In Young v Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd, it was established that the Court of Appeal is generally bound by its own decisions unless: (i) there are two or more conflicting Court of Appeal decisions and the court must choose between them; (ii) a decision conflicts with a House of Lords or Supreme Court decision; or (iii) a decision was made per incuriam (through lack of care). While the Court of Appeal in criminal cases may consider the liberty of the defendant (R v Gould), this is not one of the original exceptions from Bristol Aeroplane.

Key Point: This question focuses on the exceptions to the doctrine of precedent for the Court of Appeal, particularly as established in Young v Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd.



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