Examination Timing: 00H00M26S
Jemima Thompson has recently been appointed as the Secretary of State for the Department of Administrative Affairs. She is scheduled to meet with Dame Caroline Adams, the Permanent Secretary for the Department, but is uncertain about the expected qualities and roles of civil servants.
As a civil servant to the minister, what qualities should Dame Caroline embody?
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The Constitutional Reform and Governance Act 2010 mandates that the Civil Service must be politically neutral and maintain integrity. Civil servants are expected to serve the government of the day impartially, providing continuity through changes in administration. This legal framework ensures that civil servants uphold principles of integrity, honesty, objectivity, and impartiality, which are crucial for maintaining public trust in government operations.
Key Point: Political neutrality and integrity are fundamental principles underpinning the Civil Service in the UK. These principles ensure that civil servants can support the government effectively while remaining impartial and maintaining public confidence in the administrative machinery.
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